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What are Defi coins?

What are DeFi Coins? The term DeFi coins usually refers to coins that perform one or two specific functions on a particular DeFi project – compared to investing in e.g. Ethereum, Cardano, Polkadot or Solana which are thought of more as the umbrella cryptos that DeFi projects and DeFi apps run on, rather than DeFi coins themselves per se.

What is the largest Defi coin?

Let’s take a look. The largest DeFi coin, with a market cap of around $8.4bn, is AVAX. This coin is the native token of the Avalanche blockchain, which aims to make using smart contracts quicker and cheaper by, in effect, combining three blockchains in one.

Is cake a good Defi coin?

While CAKE is far from being one of the top DeFi coins by market cap, it sits at $3 billion as of December 2021, so it's not small either. This DeFi coin is attractive for its growth potential.

What is the Peek token?

The PEAK token is the utility token of this ecosystem which consists of 3 pillars: PEAKDEFI fund: The PEAKDEFI fund is a decentralized and permissionless asset management fund, created to connect investors and asset managers for capital growth. This protocol was audited by Quantstamp and launches on November 2020.

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